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AEM Seeks Answers to Rural Infrastructure Challenges

AEM hopes to help find answers to the infrastructure challenges facing the U.S. agriculture sector.  Under its Infrastructure Vision 2050 thought-leadership initiative, AEM will seek innovative ideas and best practices to address those challenges in the context of current and future U.S. infrastructure trends. AEM is calling for papers and research that  focus on one of two specific areas: 1) the movement of agriculture products from farm to market or 2) the movement of equipment from farm to farm.  "How we plan to transport agriculture products from farm to market or equipment from one farm to another in the future, relying on our current infrastructure, are crucial questions that AEM wants to help answer," said AEM President Dennis Slater. "This call for papers provides us with a platform to help shape the future of U.S. infrastructure for both the agriculture community and rural America."

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Asociation of Equipment Manufacturers