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Broiler welfare: GAP stocking density rules infographic

In order for broiler producers to become GAP certified, one area the producer must address is the flock’s stocking density. While all five steps of certification for stocking density call for chickens to have enough space to express natural behaviors – including standing, turning around and preening – without touching another chicken, the requirements differ at different steps.For purposes related to the GAP 5-Step certification program, stocking densities are calculated based on the final target weight of all chickens per flock per area at the time of catching. Operations can utilize a maximum of a two percent variation, rather than expected livability, when calculating the number of chickens to be placed within a given barn or house. For birds placed January 1 2018 to June 30, 2020, stocking density must not exceeed 6.5 lb/sq ft.

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Watt Ag Net