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Chicken ‘rescuers’ take audacity to a new level

It’s nothing new to read about animal rights extremistsremoving animals from a farm because they believe they are rescuing them from a life of mistreatment. But a group of young people from an organization called Denver Baby Animal Save have entered territory that is at least new to me.Not only did they apparently steal three chickens from a farm, but they also admitted to doing so with a post on Facebook. Sadly, they see what they did as noble. Fortunately, it appears most people disagree. Long Shadow Farm co-owner Kristin Ramey told the reporter that the activists asked her 8-year-old daughter to show them to a building where chickens were housed. They left the facility with three chickens, including a rooster that belonged to one of the farm’s customers. They also set three other chickens free, but workers at the farm were able to round up those three.

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Watt Ag Net