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Lessons learned should guide dairy’s future

Over the past month, the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection focused on finding a short-term solution for the dozens of Wisconsin dairy farm families who suddenly lost their milk market. Thankfully on May 1, 99 percent of the milk had found a new home, at least temporarily. While we will continue to assist farmers through the Wisconsin Farm Center, it is now time for us as an industry to keep the conversation going and look long-term. The lessons we have learned should be what guides the future of Wisconsin’s dairy industry.  Communication needs to start between the farmer and the processor. Processing plants and farmers will have to work together directly to determine how much milk is needed. We cannot produce milk that does not have a final market.  Government can’t hinder advancement. Local, state and federal governments need to be consistent and predictable in their permitting and enforcement. The regulations and standards need to keep up with advancements in technology, such as ultra-high temperature processing, and be clearly communicated to ensure we have a safe, nutritious and reliable food supply for years to come

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