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Missouri Dept of Energy to award approximately $5.1 million in energy loans

The Missouri Division of Energy announced today approximately $5.1 million has been awarded for low-interest loans to assist four public schools, three city/county governments, and one fire protection district with energy-efficiency and renewable energy projects. The funded projects, which are expected to support 65 jobs and benefit more than 439,062 Missourians, are expected to result in annual energy savings of approximately $720,484. The loans will be repaid with money saved on energy costs as a result of implementing these upgrades and improvements. In addition, the projects will reduce electricity use by more than 10,101,195 kilowatt hour (kWh) and natural gas use by 4,915 Million Btu (MMBtu), avoiding 7,362 metric tons of carbon dioxide pollution, which equates to removing 1,556 passenger cars from the road for a year.

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St Louis News