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Faux meat: The protein of the future?

Beef, for example, has long been “the bullseye of the target for many campaigners” and the effort has successfully resulted in the decline of beef consumption due to negative PR surrounding food safety, environmental concerns and health risks (cancer, cholesterol, etc.). This sentiment created a significant opportunity for Beyond Meat to raise $180 million to develop the Beyond Burger, with backers such as General Mills, the Humane Society of America and Bill Gates.  Additional examples of animal product companies dipping in to meatless territory in 2016: Unilever: After originally planning to sue “Just Mayo” purveyor Hampton Creek, the parent company of Hellmann’s mayonnaise decided to get into the eggless mayo game instead. Danone: The French dairy giant purchased non-dairy dairy business WhiteWave. Why are investors clamoring to get on the protein-alternative bandwagon? Is it a bellwether of things to come? The answer is yes, with hopes to profit from evolving consumer behavior and an aim to stay in touch with upcoming innovations in food science.

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Watt Ag Net