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Technology used to track premium Wyoming beef on blockchain

The goal of the pilot made by Wyoming Certified Beef, LLC and Germany-based traceability solution provider TE-FOOD International is to showcase the premium living conditions of the cattle (grass-fed on an open range throughout their entire lives) thereby producing much higher quality cuts of beef to lucrative foreign markets. The verified ranch-to-table traceability of the cattle through RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) ear tags and anchored by blockchain technology has never been done before. What began as quiet rumblings out of the Wyoming legislature about amendments to an outdated Money Transmitter law that prohibited digital currency exchanges from operating within its borders has snowballed into a blockchain regulation revolution in the Equality State. Last week, inspired by a bipartisan coalition led by Representative Tyler Lindholm, Wyoming passed, and signed into law, a total of five pro-blockchain bills, with some passing through its House unanimously.

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