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These Missouri Poultry Producers Include Dispatches From The Farm In Every Egg Carton

One of Campo Lindo’s most defining qualities is a personal note included in every carton of eggs that leaves the farm. Carol writes those notes every two week; she began doing it when the farm started selling its eggs through grocery stores. “I just missed the communication that I had with our customers,” Carol says. “So I was like, ‘Well, I'll just start putting a little note, at least it's one-way communication,' but what's turned out really cool is a lot of times people take the time, they'll send a little email or phone call. … I'm not just selling something that we have a relationship with our customers, which is so cool.”While Campo Lindo has grown over the years, it’s still a small, 285-acre family farm where nearly every task is still done by hand. Jay said this makes it difficult for the farm to grow past its current level of output and productivity.

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